Coloured Contact Lenses

Coloured Contact Lenses

Coloured contact lenses are all the rage nowadays. It’s well known that coloured lenses can temporarily change the color of your eyes, but did you know there are coloured lenses available for vision correction, too? Now you no longer need to sacrifice your vision for the sake of style. And, because coloured lenses are becoming more popular for regular, everyday wear, rather than just costumes and special occasions, the technology used to produce them has never been better. There is a wide variety of lenses on the market offering different properties, types of vision correction, materials, exchange periods, crazy colours, and more, so you can make a subtle change or alter the appearance of your eyes completely!

And let’s be honest… On occasion, we all want to stand out from the crowd and get noticed. So instead of doing it with clothes and jewelry, or make up and accessories, how about matching your eye colour to your dress? Or maybe you’d rather match your eyes to your favourite precious stone? Coloured contact lenses make it easy to stand out in a truly unique way.

Brilliant Colours from TopVue

We’re proud to offer one-day TopVue Color lenses in six natural shades: blue, brown, green, sapphire blue, grey, and bright green. And, thanks to their daily replacement schedule, you can try a new colour every day. You’ll be sure to turn heads with your glamourous new look and wow your family, friends, or colleagues without saying a word.


Check out TopVue Color daily lenses


Our range of decorative lenses will soon include crazy and novelty lenses, too, so stay tuned! Soon, you’ll be able to take your style, cosplay, or fancy dress costume to the next level with an entirely new line of TopVue coloured lenses.